El CDTI es una Entidad Pública Empresarial, dependiente del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, que promueve la innovación y el desarrollo tecnológico de las empresas españolas. En la actualidad es la entidad que canaliza las solicitudes de financiación y apoyo a los proyectos deI+D+I de empresas españolas en los ámbitos estatal e internacional.
The CDTI is a Public Business Entity under the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness that promotes innovation and technological development in Spanish companies. It is currently the entity that manages the requests for finance and support for Research, Development and Innovation projects for Spanish national and international companies.
The CDTI is a Public Business Entity under the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness that promotes innovation and technological development in Spanish companies. It is currently the entity that manages the requests for finance and support for Research, Development and Innovation projects for Spanish national and international companies.
En la actualidad el CDTI ofrece 2 programas de ayuda a la innovación tecnológica:
- Ayudas Neotec
- Programa Innvierte
A continuación, pasamos a detallar las características y condiciones necesarias para acogerse a alguna de las señaladas líneas de financiación.
El objetivo de estas ayudas consiste en el apoyo a la creación y consolidación de nuevas empresas de base tecnológica en España, la tecnología debe ser el factor competitivo de diferenciación de la empresa. No se adecuan las empresas cuyo modelo de negocio se base primordialmente en servicios a terceros, sin desarrollo de tecnología propia.
Las condiciones principales para solicitar esta línea de financiación son:
- El beneficiario debe ser una empresa con menos de 6 años de existencia en el momento en el que se concede la ayuda.
- Los costes en investigación y desarrollo del beneficiario han de representar un mínimo del 15% de sus costes de funcionamiento totales durante al menos uno de los tres años previos a la concesión de la ayuda.
- La participación accionarial de los emprendedores o promotores de la empresa deberá superar el 50%.
Las características principales de las ayudas NEOTEC son las siguientes:
- La ayuda tendrá un importe máximo de 250.000€.
- La empresa devolverá la ayuda a CDTI según vaya generando cash-flow positivo. Para ello, la empresa se compromete a facilitar a CDTI anualmente las cuentas anuales cerradas. La devolución del préstamo se realizará de forma general mediante cuotas anuales del 10%,15% o 20%.
- Para asegurar la financiación del plan de negocio presentado, los socios deberán aportar a la sociedad, al menos, el 30% del presupuesto solicitado en forma de aportaciones dinerarias antes de la firma del contrato con CDTI.
- En caso de que la ayuda sea aceptada no se exigirán garantías adicionales.
El programa INNVIERTE es una línea de actuación enmarcada en la Estrategia Estatal de Innovación, que persigue promover la innovación empresarial mediante el apoyo a la inversión de capital riesgo en empresas de base tecnológica o innovadoras.
Esta línea de financiación se lleva a cabo mediante dos sociedades de capital riesgo pertenecientes al CDTI supervisadas por la Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores:
- INNVIERTE Economía Sostenible Coinversión, S.A. S.C.R
- INNVIERTE Economía Sostenible, S.A. S.C.R.
Las condiciones esenciales para solicitar una ayuda del PROGRAMA INNVIERTE destacan:
- Las empresas interesadas deberán ser PYMES de reciente creación de base tecnológica o innovadora.
- Las inversiones consistirán en la toma de participaciones temporales en el capital social de PYMES objetivo.
- Los importes de cada inversión serán, con carácter general, superiores a 500.000 € y no excederán de 2.500.000 € por PYME a lo largo de cada periodo de 12 meses.
- Los riesgos y los beneficios de cada inversión serán compartidos con el inversor privado en estricta igualdad de derechos y obligaciones y en proporción a su aportación respectiva
Estas líneas de apoyo a las Pymes innovadoras como las del CDTI unidas a un buen asesoramiento legal configuran un sistema de éxito para tu negocio.
CDTI currently offers 2 help programmes for technological innovation:
- “Ayudas Neotec”
- “Programa Innvierte”
Below are the characteristics and conditions needed to qualify for some of the funding options.
The objective of this help programme consists of support for creating and consolidating new technological companies in Spain. The technology must be the competitive factor that differentiates the company. Companies whose business model is mainly based on services to third parties, rather than any actual direct technological development, do not count.
The main conditions to apply for this funding are:
- The beneficiary must be a company that is less than 6 years old from when help is requested.
- The beneficiary’s costs of research and development must represent 15% of the total running costs during at least one of the three years prior to the request for help.
- Share holdings of the company’s employees or promoters must exceed 50%
The main characteristics of the NEOTEC help programme are:
- The funding help can be up to a maximum of €250,000.
- The company will return the funding to the CDTI as positive cash-flow comes in. Therefore, the company commits to annually providing the CDTI with closed annual accounts. The loan will generally be repaid by annual instalments of 10%, 15% or 20%.
- To be assured of the funding from the business plan presented, partners must contribute at least 30% of the requested budget through economic contributions before the contract with the CDTI is signed.
- In the case that the help is accepted, additional guarantees may not be requested.
The INNVIERTE programme is part of the State Innovation Strategy, which aims to promote business innovation though supporting risk capital investments in technological and innovative companies.
This type of funding is carried out through risk capital companies that belong to CDTI and which are supervised by the Spanish National Securities Market:
- INNVIERTE Economía Sostenible Coinversión (Sustainable Economy Coinvestment), S.A. S.C.R
- INNVIERTE Economía Sostenible, S.A. S.C.R.
Essential conditions for requesting help from PROGRAMA INNVIERTE are:
- The companies interested must be recently created, technological or innovative SMEs.
- Investments will consist of temporary participation in social capital of the targeted SMEs.
- Each investment amount will generally be more than €500,000 and no less than €2,500,000 by PYME through each 12 month period.
- The risks and benefits of each investment will be shared with the private investor with strict equal rights and obligations according to the respective contribution.
Innovative help programmes for SMEs like those of the CDTI, together with great legal advice would add up to a successful system for your business.
CDTI currently offers 2 help programmes for technological innovation:
- “Ayudas Neotec”
- “Programa Innvierte”
Below are the characteristics and conditions needed to qualify for some of the funding options.
The objective of this help programme consists of support for creating and consolidating new technological companies in Spain. The technology must be the competitive factor that differentiates the company. Companies whose business model is mainly based on services to third parties, rather than any actual direct technological development, do not count.
The main conditions to apply for this funding are:
- The beneficiary must be a company that is less than 6 years old from when help is requested.
- The beneficiary’s costs of research and development must represent 15% of the total running costs during at least one of the three years prior to the request for help.
- Share holdings of the company’s employees or promoters must exceed 50%
The main characteristics of the NEOTEC help programme are:
- The funding help can be up to a maximum of €250,000.
- The company will return the funding to the CDTI as positive cash-flow comes in. Therefore, the company commits to annually providing the CDTI with closed annual accounts. The loan will generally be repaid by annual instalments of 10%, 15% or 20%.
- To be assured of the funding from the business plan presented, partners must contribute at least 30% of the requested budget through economic contributions before the contract with the CDTI is signed.
- In the case that the help is accepted, additional guarantees may not be requested.
The INNVIERTE programme is part of the State Innovation Strategy, which aims to promote business innovation though supporting risk capital investments in technological and innovative companies.
This type of funding is carried out through risk capital companies that belong to CDTI and which are supervised by the Spanish National Securities Market:
- INNVIERTE Economía Sostenible Coinversión (Sustainable Economy Coinvestment), S.A. S.C.R
- INNVIERTE Economía Sostenible, S.A. S.C.R.
Essential conditions for requesting help from PROGRAMA INNVIERTE are:
- The companies interested must be recently created, technological or innovative SMEs.
- Investments will consist of temporary participation in social capital of the targeted SMEs.
- Each investment amount will generally be more than €500,000 and no less than €2,500,000 by PYME through each 12 month period.
- The risks and benefits of each investment will be shared with the private investor with strict equal rights and obligations according to the respective contribution.
Innovative help programmes for SMEs like those of the CDTI, together with great legal advice would add up to a successful system for your business.